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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
bottle image camp Valerie fannia

Campi Valerio 'Fannia'

bottle image camp Valerie fannia
Azienda vinicolaCampi Valerio
DenominazioneFalanghina del Molise DOC
Stile del vino Vino bianco secco croccante
Alcol in volume13,50%
Potenziale di invecchiamento dalla vendemmia< 3 Anni
Invecchiamento Vasca in acciaio inox
Tempo medio di consegna 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a zero emissioni
Imballaggio sicuro

Note di degustazione

Classico vino bianco fresco secco. Colore giallo paglierino tenue con lacrime decise. Naso di fiori di campo e pera conference con sopra un pizzico di pepe bianco. Attacco gustativo fresco e aspro che mantiene la pasta viva e quasi croccante; evoluzione morbida ed equilibrata, per finire nel finale medio con gli stessi aromi, ma ora un po' più maturi. Un bel bicchiere di vino con formaggi freschi come le mozzarelle tipiche della sua terra natia con contorni noti, anche le insalate sfrenate con una parte dolce si adattano perfettamente, così come il pesce bianco in gelatina. Temperatura di servizio: 10°C.


Wine Story

Campi Valerio was founded in 2004. Although it is a relatively young winery, the vineyards themselves were planted as early as the 17th century by Prince Giovanni Pignatelli, a Neapolitan nobleman who lived in Monteroduni in Molise.Since its founding, Campi Valerio has continued to expand its estates. It grew from one vineyard to the five it owns today, allowing them to produce increasingly diverse and complex wines.Despite this rapid growth, Campi Valerio has remained true to their philosophy of producing wines that represent the terroir and promote the region's indigenous grapes. At the same time, they have managed to combine this respect for the old with new techniques to create some truly exciting and unique wines.

Campi Valerio

Wine Story

Campi Valerio was founded in 2004. Although it is a relatively young winery, the vineyards themselves were planted as early as the 17th century by Prince Giovanni Pignatelli, a Neapolitan nobleman who lived in Monteroduni in Molise.Since its founding, Campi Valerio has continued to expand its estates. It grew from one vineyard to the five it owns today, allowing them to produce increasingly diverse and complex wines.Despite this rapid growth, Campi Valerio has remained true to their philosophy of producing wines that represent the terroir and promote the region's indigenous grapes. At the same time, they have managed to combine this respect for the old with new techniques to create some truly exciting and unique wines.

Campi Valerio