Azienda vinicola | Grace |
Denominazione | Yamanashi |
Stile del vino | Vino bianco secco croccante |
Annata | 2024 |
Chiusura | Tappo a vite |
Viticoltura | Convenzionale |
Alcol in volume | 11,50% |
Volume | 750ml |
Potenziale di invecchiamento dalla vendemmia | < 3 Anni |
Invecchiamento | Vasca in acciaio inox |
Autentico vino bianco croccante. Bianco giallo brillante con riflessi verdognoli. Notevole attacco minerale con pietra focaia, fiori di frutta e bacche bianche. Gusto fine ed elegante con molta fresca acidità e contenuto alcolico. Tessitura di classe superfine con molte note agrumate fini sul finale. Delizioso vino da aperitivo o con pesce bianco in salamoia, cozze e primizie. Si abbina bene anche con crudi di mare marinati e formaggi freschi. Temperatura di servizio: 8°C
The colour of Japan - I remember when I was a child, my grandfather would let me sniff Koshu and said to me “This is the aroma of vinifera”. My father would bring me to the sun-bathed vineyards, showed me a bunch of Koshu grapes, lucid with a light purplish shade under the sun, and said to me “This is a restrained Japanese colour”.
Koshu has pale carnation pink skin rather than bright pink like vivid or hot pink, shy and unpretentious Japanese people might see themselves in Koshu’s low-key color. Inherited from my family’s passion, I grew up together with Koshu. Koshu is said to arrive from the far-away South Caucasus over 1,000 years ago. Throughout the years, it not only has not faced extinction but instead was integrated into our soils.
To us winemakers brought up in Yamanashi, no matter where Koshu came from, it will not change the fact that it is our most treasured grape variety. Koshu continues to thrive. Its hidden potential, occasionally revealed, has impressed me time and again.
I hope you will enjoy the taste my provenance and my family have taught me to appreciate.
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