Weingut | Riserva della Cascina |
Weinregion | Lazio IGT |
Weinart | Fruchtiger oder aromatischer Weißwein |
Jahrgang | 2023 |
Schliessung | Kork |
Weinbau | Biologisch |
Alkohol nach Volumen | 13% |
Volumen | 750ml |
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang | < 5 Jahre |
Reifung | Altes Eichenfass |
Dies ist ein bemerkenswerter, üppiger, frischer, organischer, trockener Weißwein. Strohgelbe Farbe mit deutlichen Grüntönen, auch in den unzähligen feinen Tränen. Überschwängliche Nase, die an Parfüm erinnert, dank der einzigartigen Malvasia Puntinata-Trauben und der subtilen Reifung dieses Weins in alten Fässern. Harmonischer, üppiger, aber seidenweicher Mund mit Fülle auch im Nachgeschmack; dennoch bleibt der Wein distinguiert und trocken. Dieser Wein passt gut zu orientalischen Gerichten mit weißem Fisch, Meeresfrüchten oder Geflügel; auch zu Salaten mit exotischem Dressing oder zu gereiftem Käse. Bei 12 °C servieren
In 1945 Giovanni Brannetti purchased a vineyard in the Roman countryside and began making wine together whis his wife, Ida. They were later joined by their youngest son, Giuseppe, who had been passionate about wine making from an early age. Ever since, both father and son have been making wine with a careful eye on the protection of the environment (for example, they have never used fertilzers or weed killers). Daniela, Giuseppe's wife, took over responsibility for marketing the wine. Initially, the family made only cask wine, but they have continued to imrpove the quality of their wines constantly throughout the years. In 1986, Giuseppe and Daniela expanded their business through the purchase of a vineyard in the Appia Antica Park and started their organic farm 'Riserva della Cascina'. The farm was granted an organic certification for its production methods in 1994. In 2011, Silvia, the oldest daughter of Giuseppe and Daniela, having completed a PhD in Mathematics, decided to join the family business, ensuring a continuity which now stretches over several generations.