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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
Usa Frogs Leap Sauvignon Blanc

Frog´s Leap Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc
Usa Frogs Leap Sauvignon Blanc
WeingutFrog’s Leap Winery
WeinregionNapa Valley
Weinart Frischer trockener Weißwein
WeinbauBiologisch Zertifiziert
Alkohol nach Volumen13%
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang< 5 Jahre
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage
Emissionsfreie Lieferung
Sichere Verpackung


Köstlicher reicher und raffinierter frischer Weißwein der Klasse, mit einzigartiger Brillanz in der leuchtend grün-gelben Farbe. Gleichzeitig verspielte und vornehme Nase nach frischen Zitrusfrüchten, Apfelblüten und frischen Kräutern. Charaktervolle Textur mit straffer Säure, unterstützt von reifen exotischen Früchten und einem hauchdünnen und sehr langen Nachgeschmack. Verträumter Aperitifwein, zu erfrischenden Snacks oder knackiger Salat mit Frischkäse und saftigen Tomaten. Auch mit kaum zubereiteten Meeresfrüchten und gedünstetem Weißfisch. Serviertemperatur: 8°C.


Wine Story

We adhere to the premise that the greatest wines are those that most truly reflect their soil, climate and circumstance (collectively referred to as “terroir”) and that it is the winemaker’s role to simply stand back and let the natural beauty of the grapes show through. We don’t make great wine, we grow it.” – John Williams

Frog’s Leap has been family-owned and operated since its founding in 1981. We are fortunate in that family ownership allows us to pave our own way, prioritizing the values that are important to us. Those values include a sincere commitment to sustainability, to include not only the natural environment but also the human community from which a given wine emanates. We exercise those values through our farming and winemaking philosophies and our relationships with our employees, customers and vendors.

John Williams
John Williams

Wine Story

We adhere to the premise that the greatest wines are those that most truly reflect their soil, climate and circumstance (collectively referred to as “terroir”) and that it is the winemaker’s role to simply stand back and let the natural beauty of the grapes show through. We don’t make great wine, we grow it.” – John Williams

Frog’s Leap has been family-owned and operated since its founding in 1981. We are fortunate in that family ownership allows us to pave our own way, prioritizing the values that are important to us. Those values include a sincere commitment to sustainability, to include not only the natural environment but also the human community from which a given wine emanates. We exercise those values through our farming and winemaking philosophies and our relationships with our employees, customers and vendors.

John Williams
John Williams