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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
Australie Mount Horrocks Cordon Cut

Mount Horrocks Riesling Cordon Cut

Australie Mount Horrocks Cordon Cut
WeingutMount Horrocks Wines
WeinregionClare Valley
WeinartHalbtrockener oder süßer Weißwein
WeinbauBiologisch Zertifiziert
Alkohol nach Volumen11,50%
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang< 25 Jahre
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage
Emissionsfreie Lieferung
Sichere Verpackung


Herrlich süßer Qualitätswein mit außergewöhnlich langem Lagerpotential. Brillant golden mit schweren, sich langsam bewegenden Tränen. Sinnlicher exotischer Auftakt mit viel kandierten Zitrusfrüchten und einem zarten Hauch von Vanille und weißem Muntok-Pfeffer. Berauschend süßer Auftakt voller Exotik, eingewoben in die samtige Textur, verwoben mit überraschend knackiger Säure. Perfekter Dessertwein, aber auch zu cremig zubereiteten Meeresfrüchten, Blauschimmelkäse und exotischen Obstkuchen. Serviertemperatur: 8°C


Wine Story

It all started in London, my first time living away from the family in New Zealand, working by day, taking in shows at the West End and seeking out fine European wine, at night. From there I turned to the blue skies of Perth, and a life revolving around wine.

Wine then became the focus of my work; managing a fine wine store which led to wine distribution and starting my own wine business.

I moved to South Australia in 1992, and within months, I purchased a tiny winery operation. Originally with real ‘cottage industry’ feel, Mount Horrocks Wines has remained tiny in production, yet bold in its approach.

Over the past 27 years I have shifted from purchasing all grapes to planting my own vineyards, becoming 100% estate grown and the entire wine production Australian Certified Organic (ACO)

And by bold, I mean it hasn’t stopped there – with my vineyards hand-tended, all fruit carefully hand-picked and winemaking hands-on, I avoid the need for wine finings, meaning the wines are also vegan and vegetarian friendly.

Stephanie Toole
Stephanie Toole

Wine Story

It all started in London, my first time living away from the family in New Zealand, working by day, taking in shows at the West End and seeking out fine European wine, at night. From there I turned to the blue skies of Perth, and a life revolving around wine.

Wine then became the focus of my work; managing a fine wine store which led to wine distribution and starting my own wine business.

I moved to South Australia in 1992, and within months, I purchased a tiny winery operation. Originally with real ‘cottage industry’ feel, Mount Horrocks Wines has remained tiny in production, yet bold in its approach.

Over the past 27 years I have shifted from purchasing all grapes to planting my own vineyards, becoming 100% estate grown and the entire wine production Australian Certified Organic (ACO)

And by bold, I mean it hasn’t stopped there – with my vineyards hand-tended, all fruit carefully hand-picked and winemaking hands-on, I avoid the need for wine finings, meaning the wines are also vegan and vegetarian friendly.

Stephanie Toole
Stephanie Toole