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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
china chateau changyu moser xv cabernet sauvignon blanc de noir helan mountain range

Changyu Moser XV Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc de Noir

Cabernet Sauvignon
china chateau changyu moser xv cabernet sauvignon blanc de noir helan mountain range
WeingutChâteau Changyu Moser Xv
WeinregionHelan Mountain (Ningxia)
WeinartVollmundiger, reicher, trockener Weißwein
Alkohol nach Volumen13,50%
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang< 3 Jahre
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage
Emissionsfreie Lieferung
Sichere Verpackung


Super origineller, schelmischer trockener Wein. Weißwein mit kurzer Mazeration. Sehr helle lachsrosa Farbe mit feinen Tränen im kristallklaren Erscheinungsbild. Klare Nase mit süßen, ausdrucksstarken Früchten und einem Hauch von Blaubeeren und Minze. Verspielte frische Fruchtigkeit in einer frechen Textur. Zusätzliche blumige Noten im Nachgeschmack. Genusswein für Partys & Gartenpartys, orientalisch angehauchte Cocktailpartys und ungezwungene Genussmomente. Erfordert Abwechslung bei den Tapas mit einer Anspielung auf süß-sauer und orientalisch-würzig. Serviertemperatur 8°C


Wine Story

Chateau Changyu Moser XV has been inaugurated in 2013, August 18th to be precise – in China important dates should incorporate the “lucky” number of 8. In 2009 it was decided that Changyu’s crown jewel to be placed in China’s new wine Eldorado, Ningxia – some call it the Napa Valley of China – I don’t. However, it is a very special place with a unique climate.

The circumstances are ideal – so why does an Austrian make wine in China, in the desert, south of Mongolia? Well, I travelled the first time to China in 2005 – in order to sell my Grüner Veltliner in China and so I did. I also developed a relationship with China’s oldest and most important winery, Changyu Pioneer.

I have all the respect for its people as they master a language, writing which I haven’t yet mastered -it is super difficult. In addition, I am impressed what this country has achieved over the last 40 years -on its own and with discipline and diligence second to none. And as for the wines of Chateau Changyu Moser XV, we are really proud of having taken the no. 1 position from China onto the world market – in the premium field.

With all of this, we humbly have to say – it’s been fantastic five years since we started with a white sheet of paper, no wine, no labels, no concept, no customers, no markets. It is a blast to surprise people about our wines, to give them the discovery tour to the new and emerging wine nation of China. It is amazing how the international consumer is giving these new wines a try, leaving them completely surprised and excited, because of the quality and special style of wines – resembling no one in the world of wine, uniquely from China, Ningxia and Chateau Changyu Moser XV – yet it is just the beginning and as my great mentor Mr. Robert Mondavi always said, “the best is yet to come”.

Lenz M. Moser
Lenz M. Moser