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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
Oostenrijk Samt Seide blaufrankisch

Dorli Muhr Samt & Seide

Oostenrijk Samt Seide blaufrankisch
Azienda vinicolaWeingut Dorli Muhr
DenominazioneCarnuntum DAC
Stile del vino Vino Rosso Fine Elegante
ViticolturaCertificato Biologico
Alcol in volume12,50%
Potenziale di invecchiamento dalla vendemmia< 10 Anni
InvecchiamentoVecchio barile di rovere
Tempo medio di consegna 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a zero emissioni
Imballaggio sicuro

Note di degustazione

Vino rosso finemente raffinato. Colore ciliegia giocoso con sottili lacrime. Naso sfacciato di piccoli frutti rossi ed erbe di montagna, morbido sentore di rovere invecchiato. Sapore elegante fuso con tannini morbidi e vellutati, su cui gli acidi frivoli sembrano danzare sul retrogusto fruttato. Fantastico bicchiere di vino da gustare da solo, con salumi delicati, primizie in salsa piccante e formaggi bianchi freschi a pasta filata. Temperatura di servizio: 15°C.


Wine Story

My fascination for wine started with a bicycle holiday in France, when I was still a student of languages. We visited several wineries in different regions. I was impressed with the fact that the liquid in my glass expressed the soil on which the vines have been growing. In my studies of languages, I focused more and more on translations of wine literature, and after graduating, I started an agency for communication on wine. It is called Wine&Partners.

Working with the most famous winemakers from all over the world is a fantastic job and I adore it – but I always felt the need of going even deeper. I wanted to make my own wine! It took me quite a long time and many, many travels, to accept that it would be neither in France or in Italy where I would produce my own wine… But that destiny had a different plan for me. I returned to the place of my childhood. To a forgotten region, where my grandmother had a tiny tiny vineyard of 0,17 hectares, digged out by my father long time ago.

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Dorli Muhr
Dorli Muhr

Wine Story

My fascination for wine started with a bicycle holiday in France, when I was still a student of languages. We visited several wineries in different regions. I was impressed with the fact that the liquid in my glass expressed the soil on which the vines have been growing. In my studies of languages, I focused more and more on translations of wine literature, and after graduating, I started an agency for communication on wine. It is called Wine&Partners.

Working with the most famous winemakers from all over the world is a fantastic job and I adore it – but I always felt the need of going even deeper. I wanted to make my own wine! It took me quite a long time and many, many travels, to accept that it would be neither in France or in Italy where I would produce my own wine… But that destiny had a different plan for me. I returned to the place of my childhood. To a forgotten region, where my grandmother had a tiny tiny vineyard of 0,17 hectares, digged out by my father long time ago.

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Dorli Muhr
Dorli Muhr