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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
Frei Gigante

Frei Gigante

Arinto, Terrantez, Verdelho
Frei Gigante
WeingutCooperativa Vitivinicola da Ilha de Pico
WeinregionPico DO
Weinart Frischer trockener Weißwein
Alkohol nach Volumen13%
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang< 5 Jahre
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage
Emissionsfreie Lieferung
Sichere Verpackung


Einzigartiger und frischer trockener Weißwein von den Azoren. Weiß-gelbe brillante Farbe mit frischen und grünen Tränen. Die Nase ist frisch und knackig mit grünen Früchten, wie Apfel und Kiwi, mit frischen Kräutern in der Entwicklung. Frische Textur mit knackiger Säure und samtiger Geschmacksentwicklung; Tonnen von Früchten im Nachgeschmack. Dieser Wein ist ein köstlicher Aperitif, passt aber auch hervorragend zu Salaten, rohen Meeresfrüchten und Gemüsesalaten; passt auch gut zu Frischkäse. Bei 8°C servieren


Wine Story

Situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean as part of the Azorean Islands, the viticulture of Pico Island is already present for generations. Originated in 1949, Cooperativa Vitivinícola da Ilha do Pico (CVIP) – Picowines, brings together most of the island winemakers to produce wine with a terroir you’ll never find somewhere else.

Currently we work with 250 associates which every year, by the time of harvest (August to September), deliver grapes in the best available quality, so we can vinify our wines in ways we do best - with a minimalist mindset and trying to keep the influence on processing as little as possible.

Our wines are special because of an extreme maritime climate and a unique landscape. The soil of Pico Island is consisting of basaltic lava, formed 50-240 thousand years ago - a vast area of vineyards that were classified in 2004 as World Heritage by the UNESCO. Being a volcanic island is without any doubt a big part of our identity, as Cooperativa Vitivinícola da Ilha do Pico, and as it is revealing in our products. The soil and climate, almost impenetrable and sometimes aversive, are giving special and unique characteristics to our wine.

Sara Jorge