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CO2 NeutralMatthys Wines
bottle image camp Valerio opalia

Campi Valerio 'Opalia'

bottle image camp Valerio opalia
WeingutCampi Valerio
WeinregionTintilia del Molise DOC
Weinart Vollmundiger Rotwein
Alkohol nach Volumen14%
Alterungspotential ab Jahrgang< 8 Jahre
ReifungAltes Eichenfass
Durchschnittliche Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage
Emissionsfreie Lieferung
Sichere Verpackung


Seltener kräftiger trockener Rotwein. Tiefe rubinrote Farbe mit Kirschkern und langsamen dicken Tränen. Üppige Nase nach wilder Pflaume, Leder, Unterholz und Lakritze. Harmonische Textur mit verschmolzener Säure/Tannin-Balance, samtig und mundfüllend; perfekt eingebundener Alkohol mit langem, breitem Abgang. Dieser vollreife Wein verlangt nach komplexen Fleischgerichten wie gereiftem Rind und besonders Haarwild, Wurzelgemüsegratin und gefüllter Spitzpaprika vom Grill. Serviertemperatur: 16°C. Am besten aus der Karaffe.


Wine Story

Campi Valerio was founded in 2004. Although it is a relatively young winery, the vineyards themselves were planted as early as the 17th century by Prince Giovanni Pignatelli, a Neapolitan nobleman who lived in Monteroduni in Molise.Since its founding, Campi Valerio has continued to expand its estates. It grew from one vineyard to the five it owns today, allowing them to produce increasingly diverse and complex wines.Despite this rapid growth, Campi Valerio has remained true to their philosophy of producing wines that represent the terroir and promote the region's indigenous grapes. At the same time, they have managed to combine this respect for the old with new techniques to create some truly exciting and unique wines.

Campi Valerio

Wine Story

Campi Valerio was founded in 2004. Although it is a relatively young winery, the vineyards themselves were planted as early as the 17th century by Prince Giovanni Pignatelli, a Neapolitan nobleman who lived in Monteroduni in Molise.Since its founding, Campi Valerio has continued to expand its estates. It grew from one vineyard to the five it owns today, allowing them to produce increasingly diverse and complex wines.Despite this rapid growth, Campi Valerio has remained true to their philosophy of producing wines that represent the terroir and promote the region's indigenous grapes. At the same time, they have managed to combine this respect for the old with new techniques to create some truly exciting and unique wines.

Campi Valerio